It's like an engram of musical memories, mostly mine :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Shopping For Some Earphones

Accompany with bongos, like with a beat era poet, man ...

Today I walked into the holy cathedral of electronic gadgetry on the top of the Miracle Mile attended by fellow mortgagors embracing second and third mortgage proceeds and economic stimulus checks, and yay, we beheld the glory of the plasma TV screens made offshore and sold by the square foot like some drywall at Home Depot.

Congregation: Say Hallelujah and repeat, Amen.

I was led down the aisle of computer bliss and freely discussed RAM, Terabytes, Gigahertz, and solid-state drive capacities with the minimum - waged choir boy geniuses. Yay, they spoke in the secret tongue of computer - ease like they all had PhDs in software engineering!

All I wanted was a cheap pair of computer earphones, but the choir boys chanted to me: "Buy Bose -- top of the line!"

Congregation: All say Hallelujah and repeat, Amen.

And me, reaching for my credit card, was suddenly raised up in a blaze of glory like some rapture. I beheld a vision of some future Frys selling inexplicable and imponderable devices, where the personal physical transporters are on sale today, and you can get a holographic round trip ticket ( really cheap ) to some alternate Universe where the inhabitants don't waste their precious life force energies escaping reality ( whatever that is, but what a concept ), and the holders of holographic tickets leave the Earth at warp speeds armed only with digital sight, digital sound, instant messaging, and some bug spray.

Congregation: All say Hallelujah and repeat, Amen.

To all travellers on Earth - bound vessels: verily I say unto you ( I want you to know ) that I am doing penance and ask your forgiveness as you observe humankind standing on the crossroads of either embracing the life force or destroying ourselves.

Congregation: All say Hallelujah and repeat, Amen.

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